Going up Kapahulu (mountainside), take a left on Kihei place before H1 freeway and then your first left into Kilohana sqaure.
Baby Jiva is Hypnotizing You to Eat at India Cafe Hawaii
Kapahulu Map to find Indian cuisine at India Cafe.
Baby Jiva's first Christmas 2006 with Mama & Dada
Jesiah Raja Segaran kissing his baby brother Jiva
Our "Jesiah Wine" label from Wine The Experience
brother Prabu, wifey Radica and me Jiva
Segaran brothers just hanging out...watching daddy cook..
Jesiah and Tata (Grandfather Raja) Happy guys! |
My Indian actress wife Shalisa and her sister Jessica. These celebrities eat at India Cafe all the time.
A family christmas 2006
Jesiah & Jiva with cousins in Boston
Jesiah with Nani (grandmother) and mommy
Baby Jiva being the bodyguard for his two lil cousins
Nice article on Raja in Madurai, India
The "Trini" Indian Grandpa Kenny, Jesiah, lets lime!
Kids in India with Donated Uniforms from India Cafe
The boys hanging out.
Showing off their NEW uniforms.
Thats a lot of Happy KIDS! THANKS
The teachers are HAPPY too!........ its just Indian tradition not to smile in pictures:)
The first happy boy to get a New uniform. See his smile??
The second boy was just as pleased. hmmm.... looks like we need shoes next.
Isnt she the cutest?